Hello! My name is Isabella, I'm a rising senior dual-enrolled at Duke & Duke Kunshan University.
I'm majoring in Computation & Design with an Environmental Sustainability concentration.
I'm interested in how statistical and computational methods can be used to understand environmental issues and better inform environmental policy.
Within that frame, I am especially interested in environmental justice and equity, which I hope to further explore in my senior year signature work project focusing on
the environmental and social effects of historic redlining practices in the United States.
In my free time, I like to play tennis, go on bike rides, and journal. In addition, especially thanks to DKU's location, I've been able to develop a love for travelling and
exploring new places!
In my portfolio, you can find projects I have worked on as a Research Assistant to a professor of media studies at DKU, as well as course finals and personal projects.
See My Resume Here!